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    Friday, December 07, 2007

    Across the Universe

    [Today is the opening day for the 9th Jakarta International Film Festival and my third time attending JiFFest since 2005. I watched Across the Universe and am writing about it in Bahasa this time as you can read English comments about it in many other places.]

    Tadinya gue kirain ini film animasi Jepang, Paprika, soalnya pas gue ngantri beli tiket gue ga bawa daftar film inceran gue. Terus ngga tau kenapa ya tapi Paprika ga ditunjukin di buku sinopsisnya JiFFest, ya ga tau lah gue kalo ternyata film itu bukan Paprika yang gue mau. Berhubung film2 yang gue incer ga maen hari Jumat, ya udah lah gue beli tiket buat Across the Universe, abis udah cape ngantri dan pilihannya cuman itu atau Quickie Express, yang emang diputer di XXI. Temen nonton gue udah nonton Quickie Express jadi practically pilihannya jadi cuman satu.

    Ya nonton lah gue Across the Universe bareng temen gue "ditemani" beberapa insan perfilman yang kayanya abis dari undangan film perdana JiFFest, Persepolis. Celakanya buat temen gue, Across the Universe ga ada teksnya, jadi rada2 bingung dia. Anyway, film ini rada unik karena semi-musical serta lagu2nya semuanya dari Beatles. Terusnya lagi, settingnya di tahun 60-an, di mana Beatles emang lagi ngetop2nya. Dengan berlatar belakang era perang Vietnam dan Flower Generation, tersebutlah kisah cinta antara dua insan, Jude dan Lucy, di tengah kemelut situasi masa itu. Banyak karakter pendukung yang juga menambah kekayaan cerita dengan berbagai side-plot beserta lagu2 Beatles yang bisa aja nyambung ama scene yang lagi diceritain. Lumayan lama sih ini film, sekitar 2.5 jam dan soundtrack-nya udah pasti oke punya lah ya.

    Buat penggemar Beatles dan film2 ber-setting retro, cocok banget nih film dan pasti puas lah. Orang gue aja yang bukan fans berat Beatles merasa sangat terhibur kok nonton ini, apalagi yang emang fans. Visual-nya juga keren karena ada adegan2 simbolik dan psychedelic, terus kebetulan si Jude itu pelukis jadi banyak gambar/lukisan keren sepanjang film.

    Thursday, December 06, 2007

    Astrocenter Report - Part 11

    [Okay, back to Astrocenter, like it when I can write during lunchtime]

    Flexible and adaptable, YOGA feels a need to analyze and interpret the situations he encounters, to learn the reason for his behavior. But since his mind never lingers long, he may sometimes be a little superficial.

    YOGA may have been subject to some traumatic experiences in childhood which left a mark on his personality. Perhaps his parents or teachers were overly authoritarian or rigid. If this occurred, he may have closed himself off in self-defense from an environment he found hostile; early in life, he may have developed a thick, tough, adult skin. Regardless of these environmental factors, and aside from what was just said, YOGA has a fairly serious personality. He tends to be cold and at times intransigent. He sometimes refuses to admit he made a mistake. If he feels ashamed, he will immediately lose faith and confidence in himself, taking refuge in such tried-and-true values as conservatism and discipline for discipline's sake. Nevertheless, time is on his side, and gradually he may come closer to the perfection he desires. His life is subject to Saturn's orbit and may be segmented into significant seven-year periods.

    [Yup, that's me, flexible and adaptable. Not so much overtly analytical but to people who aren't used it, tend to view me as such. Heck, I even analyze this Astrocenter Report on myself!

    Yes, there were traumatic experiences in my childhood which I think may explain some of the behaviors and attitude of mine. I considered myself a reserved and guarded individual, especially when entering a new environment. At times I could be stubborn by refusing to admit my mistake. I had realized this when a friend of mine actually pointed it out to me, so I try to make conscious attempts, ever since, to recognize whenever I did that and evaluate my mistakes.

    True on the sentence - looking for perfection - though I am not as perfectionist as I used to be, which is good. I don't understand the meaning of the seven-year life cycle. So far, I would have lived through almost four of such cycle. Maybe I need to wait for more time before I could grasp of what it tries to say.]

    ~ to be continued ~

    Wednesday, December 05, 2007

    First Posting from MacBook

    Okay, so I just wanna try this new mobility of mine in the form of MacBook, yay! Finally this overdue laptop came to realization. I just bought this incredibly sweet technology about two weeks ago. Well, had to wait until Leopard comes out and darn, never thought something cheaper than Windows could be way cooler.. sweet..!!

    Oh, and one more thing, I actually use a portable broadband connection while posting this blog. 3G connection in the right location turned out can go as fast, if not faster, as cable.