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    Wednesday, October 27, 2004

    Astrocenter Report - Part 5

    Talents and Abilities:

    As an employee, YOGA needs to feel like a free agent. He is quite independent and will only occasionally work with a team, on a specific task. He is especially attracted to unconventional work environments where innovative techniques and structures are the norm.

    YOGA's penchant for examining the mysterious, hidden side of human relations and things in general may seem enigmatic and twisted to some. Psychologically, he is shrewd and clever, but he does not always try to be diplomatic in his relations with others.

    YOGA is pragmatic, and figures that any work deserves a salary. More than most, he has a gift for speculation as well as a talent for money management. He rarely loses sight of his interests, and increasing his personal wealth is one of his main motivations.

    [I guess most of them are true. I am quite flexible with workplace settings, I can do teamwork or solo and switch depending on the task. Being a double-major taught me to balance between the two.

    The penchant for mysterious stuff has been there all along. I call it "curiosity". This is the part of me that got people consider me as a "deep thinker". I might not be as socialite in the past, but I have improved a lot during my college years.

    Pragmatism has been a balancing trait of my personality. I'm pragmatic enough not to be delusional, but also enough to not hinder my creative thinking.

    Money management still hold my interest. So, if I don't get to use it at work, I'll just manage my own money then.]

    ~ to be continued ~

    Wednesday, October 20, 2004

    Astrocenter Report - Professional Diagnosis

    [There is still a long way to go for the Astrocenter report. Starting from this point until the next, the analysis will focus on the professional aspect of my personality.]


    Professional Diagnosis

    A professional forecast is the result of a complex analysis. The human personality is so full of complications and contradictions that a given individual is quite likely to succeed in a field quite other than his primary sphere of competence; likewise, it is altogether possible for him to fail in what he had always been told was his natural calling. Moreover, psychological compensation mechanisms, which are entirely unpredictable at the outset, can make drastic changes in an individual's innate abilities (i.e. Toulouse-Lautrec's determination to succeed as an artist despite his physical handicap). Sociological data have demonstrated at length that an individual's destiny is overwhelmingly influenced by the social and cultural background into which he is born. But we cannot take such important criteria into consideration here. The intention of this forecast is to point out YOGA's true motivations, and the chief psychological functions which have contributed to his social and professional identity. We will complete the description with an analysis of his behavior and advice about the best approach to adopt in dealing with life.

    ~ to be continued ~

    Saturday, October 16, 2004

    [break] Bioneers Conference

    A little break from the Astrocenter Report. There is a conference here in Bloomington for the weekend, which I have attended today and plan to attend tomorrow and Sunday as well. The Bioneers conference for this year is held in San Rafael, California, but there are several satellite site (Bloomington is one of them), where people can watch it via streamed connection.

    You can probably find out more about Bioneers from its website, but here's a bit about them. It's a program to promote conservation, environmental, and sustainability. They have various outreach programs such as radio series, book series, farming networks, and conferences (such as the one in Bloomington).

    Friday, October 15, 2004

    Astrocenter Report - Part 4

    Generally, he does not see the world in objective terms; instead, he bases his attitude on the feelings various situations arouse inside him. Likewise, in human relationships, he tends to project his imaginary reality onto others instead of seeing them for what they are. As a result, his judgments and reasoning are sometimes deprived of perspective. He should make an effort to refrain from over interpreting other people's actions, because, being the product of his imagination in most cases, his interpretations are mistaken. If he applies himself to listening more openly, people may reveal their deeper motivations. He'll be happier and more effective as a result.

    Due to the influence of Mercury, which dominates his birth chart, mental and intellectual energy rules YOGA's personality. He has his own philosophy, and his vision of the world is fairly orderly: it does not exceed the limits of linguistic expression. A sociable, adaptable person, he needs to keep moving in search of novelty and mental excitement. He enjoys talking, communicating, and conveying; bringing people and ideas together, creating games with words and meaning.

    [This is kind of contradictory since Astrocenter emphasizes my analytical trait, and yet it says that I'm subjective in my observation of people and the world. I think this can be reconciled, although explanation of it would be lengthy. I'll write about it more in the future, but for now it can be said that in an effort to analyze objectively, I sometimes tend to use subjective criteria to comprehend things I don't quite understand yet. In a sense, "testing out" my "hypothesis".

    Some of my friends describes me of having my own way of thinking; Astrocenter describes it as my own "philosophy". I like variety so it correctly assessed my need of mental stimulation. I don't necessarily enjoy talking, but I like communicating my ideas.]

    ~ to be continued ~

    Monday, October 11, 2004

    Astrocenter Report - Part 3

    Due to the influence of Virgo rising, YOGA's personality, somewhat tense and withdrawn, is ruled by his reason. His intellectual functions predominate over his emotional or sentimental impulses. His mind, which is analytical and critical, is naturally questioning and skeptical; he has great faith in rational positivism and strives to be pragmatic. Although others generally appreciate his conscientious, scrupulous conduct, his devotion to others and his realism, they criticize his meek behavior and his lack of confidence in himself. Indeed, he is so meticulous that he often "cannot see the forest for the trees" and may fret and worry unnecessarily over tiny details. His emotions puzzle him, and he never gives them free expression. Aware that this inhibition is one of his failings, and has a strong desire for self-transformation. Characteristically, he proceeds to do so by taking some sort of conscious action which he thinks will bring about a change. Since he is very self-centered, he is quite likely to succeed. Once his personal metamorphosis has come about, he should no longer repress his emotional urges. He will have found a better balance between his emotions and his intellect.

    [Alright, there're more bold phrases this time. Let's see, I do feel somewhat withdrawn sometimes, but I don't think that it's due to the influence of Virgo rising, I can explain this through my MBTI assessment later. The 'lack of confidence' part is due to the high standards I imposed upon myself, more on this with MBTI. Some of my friends can attest to the detail-orientation quirk, but it's nothing serious. The 'self-centered'-ness can also be explained through MBTI.

    Astrocenter, however, pointed out my self-awareness, and hence, the desire for self-transformation. It's rather cryptic on the description since it can be applicable to, I think, almost anyone. Personally, I think it hits right on since this self-transformation is currently under development in my other blog.]

    ~ to be continued ~

    Sunday, October 03, 2004

    Astrocenter Report - Part 2

    YOGA is eager to help, to be useful, to serve a great cause, but he sometimes does not know whom or what he seeks to serve. Whatever purpose he adopts, YOGA must learn to help without surrendering himself entirely; he tends to try to disappear into the background of a hierarchy. He is sometimes attracted by readymade systems, which soothe a certain anxiety he has. He wouldn't mind devoting himself to a state, a big corporation, or a dogma: it would be reasonable and satisfying. But he sometimes forgets to rebel a bit - to evaluate whether the end justifies the means. YOGA is reassured by predictability. When he commits himself, he wants to know exactly where he is bound and how. This may be a bit of an obstacle to his love life. He tends to keep a tight rein on his urges, to inhibit his emotions. He would not want them to upset his carefully organized existence, after all! But he should learn not to perceive spontaneity as such a threat. Powerful passions and sentiments may overwhelm YOGA, since he tends to prefer reason, moderation, and reality. But his tendency to be so cautious, so analytical and intellectual carries its own risk: that he will never dare to live life to the fullest.

    [Another hit on the philosophical question. I began to wonder if Astrocenter has a template for all zodiacs with basic philosophical questions. Anyway, there're more misses this time. I am attracted to some sort of a system, but neither do I tend to dissapear into it nor get comfortable with it. I have high aspiration within a system, and I pose hard questions to myself or the system regardless of my comfort level. Personally, I like a variety in my life, so I'm not necessarily reassured with predictability. However, I do tend to inhibit my emotion (just like the Vulcan race in Star Trek, as suggested by my friend) so I tend to appear somewhat calm and controlled from the outside. It remains to be seen whether my preferences would limit me to live life to the fullest. Check back with me again in 30 years.]

    ~ to be continued ~

    Saturday, October 02, 2004

    Astrocenter Report - Part 1

    [Continuing on with the report, I bold several phrases and sentences of which I strongly identified myself with. On the most part, the report seems to hit it off correctly on one of the philosophical dilemmas that I face, and on some of my personal traits. I used to have a fairly "strict" code of behavior, but it has evolved to accept some degree of "flexibility". I don't consider that it is inhibiting to live in imperfect world, on the contrary I think it is interesting to study the world and try to live in its imperfection. I don't feel obliged to preserve the ideal because I don't think it exists, or hardly ever. I do feel strongly about social injustice, but by no mean I'm sensitive to it. Most of the time, something or somebody else brings that realization upon me.]

    YOGA has an ideal of which he is only partially conscious, but it has a great influence on his psychology. He is determined to preserve his integrity and purity. Even though he may not be aware of it, he is often preoccupied by this predicament: how can he live in this world and remain true to himself? How can he succeed in life without sacrificing his ideals? It's the eternal philosophical dilemma. YOGA has developed a solution, however; he elaborates a fairly strict code of behavior, and tries to obey it as much as possible. The path that he walks in life is straight and narrow. He yearns for a life that would reflect the ideal he has set for himself, as free as possible from irrational mysteries and human failings. In fact, although he may sometimes seem a bit rigid, a bit lacking in perspective, it is because his mind understands the macrocosm through the microcosm, and he must observe the completed system before he will form his opinion.

    He is especially good at sorting and choosing, because his mind is like a filter. It rejects the impurities and only accepts the pure and useful. Analysis, deductive reasoning, and a sense of experimentation are YOGA's qualities. He has a great meticulousness and precision which make him a quick and efficient worker. However, he may rely too strongly on his analytical faculties, to the detriment of an overall perception of reality. YOGA likes purity and therefore justice. Thus, he is sensitive to human suffering, especially as a result of social injustice, and he will try to remedy the situation according to what he has learned. Once again, the overriding themes of his personality emerge: he wants to preserve an ideal, avoid deterioration, change, adulteration. He is offended by imperfection and tries to find ways to correct it.

    ~ to be continued ~